Cat and Dog Flea and Tick Prevention
in Colorado Springs, CO

Parasites such as fleas, ticks, and heartworms are a year-round concern, as they can spread disease and cause symptoms that can otherwise be prevented.

It may not always be clear if your pet is being affected by parasites, which is why at Cheyenne Mountain Animal Hospital, we provide parasite testing each year to ensure your pet remains protected from all parasites. We can also recommend parasite prevention medication best suited to your pet’s individual needs.

Intestinal Parasites

Pets are infected by intestinal parasites through their eggs which then live inside the infected pet’s intestines. Our team frequently sees roundworms, hookworms, tapeworms, whipworms and giardia in Colorado Springs, CO, and can recommend parasite prevention for all indoor and outdoor pets. Intestinal parasites don’t always provoke symptoms until the infection has progressed, so we strongly encourage regular testing at least once a year to ensure your pet is healthy and free of any parasites that can wreak havoc on their health.

External Parasites

External parasites such as fleas and ticks can affect dogs, cats, and small mammals. These parasites can be spread from pet to pet or transmit through the environment such as in yards, patios, or on walks. Fleas and ticks are known to spread other parasites and more severe diseases including Ehrlichiosis, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and Lyme disease. At Cheyenne Mountain Animal Hospital, we believe prevention is the best and most effective way to protect your pet from external parasites, although we can also provide flea and tick treatment and establish a new prevention regimen for pets if needed. Symptoms of flea and tick infection may include itching, hair loss, allergies, anemia, and skin infection.


Heartworms are usually spread by mosquitos and can become fatal if treatment is not provided. These parasites are spread via an infected mosquito and can take up residence in your pet’s heart, potentially causing the following symptoms in dogs and cats:

  • Unwillingness to exercise (dogs)
  • Asthma attacks (cats)
  • Reduced appetite
  • Coughing
  • Vomiting (cats)
  • Weight loss
  • Low energy after mild activity (dogs)

If you suspect your pet has been infected by heartworms, we can perform a simple blood test, X-ray, or echocardiogram to verify a diagnosis. Humans are not at risk of being infected by heartworms, however because of the danger these parasites present to your pet’s health, the Cheyenne Mountain Animal Hospital team recommends monthly heartworm prevention medication and restricting your pet’s exposure to mosquitos to protect their health.

What do you know about parasites?

Heartworm disease is a threat to pets nationwide.
This is not correct. Heartworm has been diagnosed in all 50 states.
Correct! Heartworm has been diagnosed in all 50 states.
My dog can get heartworm from playing with another dog that has heartworm.
Correct! Heartworms can only be spread between pets through the bite of a mosquito.
This is not correct. Heartworms can only be spread between pets through the bite of a mosquito.
My cat isn't at risk for heartworm if they are an indoor cat.
This is not correct. 25% of infected cats were found to be considered "indoor" cats. Mosquito bites don't just happen outside of the house!
Correct! 25% of infected cats were found to be considered "indoor" cats. Mosquito bites don't just happen outside of the house!
Fleas and ticks are active during all seasons.
Correct! A common misconception is that fleas and ticks are inactive during fall and winter when they are actually active year-round.
This is not correct. A common misconception is that fleas and ticks are inactive during fall and winter when they are actually active year-round.
Fleas and ticks can be found in virtually every region of the US.
This is not correct. Living in a particular climate or region does not mean your pet has no risk of contracting fleas and ticks. Make sure your pet is protected!
Correct! Living in a particular climate or region does not mean your pet has no risk of contracting fleas and ticks. Make sure your pet is protected!
Itching is the only symptom of fleas and ticks.
This is not correct. Fleas and ticks can also carry a variety of diseases that could lead to health problems for your pet.
Correct! Fleas and ticks can also carry a variety of diseases that could lead to health problems for your pet.

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